Dr. sc. Nirha Efendić

Dr. Rašid Durić
10. December 2019
16. December 2019

Dr. sc. Nirha Efendić

Bošnjačka usmena balada u istraživanjima Muniba Maglajlića

U svom plodnom akademskom životu prof. dr. Munib Maglajlić ostavio je brojne nučno-istraživačke radove, studije, oglede, recenzije i prikaze. Pored nekoliko značajnih zbornika i antologija, priredio je petu svesku Bibliografije radova o narodnoj književnosti koja se pribraja izdavačkim poduhvatima Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, a napisao je i pet knjiga koje sažimaju njegovo naučnoistraživačko i akademsko iskustvo. Ipak, ovaj rad predstavit će samo jednu dionicu iz njegova naučnog života: Rad prati Maglajlićevo zanimanje za bošnjačku usmenu baladu od prvih osvrta na knjige i tekstove koji su
akademskoj javnosti predstavili poetičke osobenosti bošnjačke usmene balade pa sve do izlaska knjige pod naslovom Muslimanska narodna balada proistekle iz Maglajlićeva doktorata odbranjenog na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, a koja sublimira njegovo tragalačko iskustvo za ovim usmenoknjiževnim lirskonarativnim poetskim oblikom.

Sevdalinka Within the Framework of Bosniak Oral Literature

Sevdalinka is traditional muslim urban song characteristic for Bosnia and Herzegovina and much of the Balkans. Love songs as part of the Bosniak oral lyric poetry have been recorded since the very first case of appearance of this lyric form known to the scientific community in the year of 1574. However, more intense collecting and general interest in oral lyric poetry in Bosnia and Herzegovina started only in the Austrian-Hungarian period when the largest collections of oral lyric poetry from Bosnia and Herzegovina were composed. This paper will first offer a historical overview of recording and interest in oral lyric poetry, and then also provide theoretical characteristics of this poetry form with a review of themes and motives in selected examples…

The Sevdalinka as Bosnian Intangible Cultural Heritage: Themes, Motifs, and Poetical Features

This paper discusses interpretations, categorisations and inventories of the sevda- linka, an oral lyric tradition from Bosnia and one of the countryss most important examples of intangible cultural heritage. The sevdalinka represents traditional oral lyric poetry, a celebrated form of love song, which came into existence in urban places in a broader region of the Balkans as a fusion of the existing lyrical forms and Islamic inβluences. The term sevdalinka for this kind of songs became widely accepted only at the end of the 19th century. Before that, this oral lyrical tradition was usually called sevdalija. Both terms, sevdalinka and sevdalija, have their roots in the Arabic word sawd¢ adopted as sevdah (meaning love, desire, longing) via Turkish into the languages of some Balkan peoples. In todayss context, the sevdalinka is most often understood as a Bosnian (or more precisely, Bosniak) indigenous traditional love song. As an important part of the Bosnian intangible cultural heritage, ethnoloǦ gists, ethnomusicologists, folklorists and other scholars have often used the sevda- linka as a source and medium through which to explore various social, historical and cultural traditions in Bosnia. This paper will βirst provide a historical summary of the records, inventories and research interests in this oral lyrical genre and then offer an overview of the categorisations of the sevdalinka in specialized encyclopaedias and literary theory. Finally, by analysing themes and motifs found in sevdalinkas, the paper will discuss a number of scholarly examples from manuscripts published in late 19th and early 20th century in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In memoriam prof. dr. Munibu Maglajliću

Dana 19. 10. 2015. na Ahiret je preselio prof. dr. Munib Maglajlić. Profesor Maglajlić rođen je 24. marta 1945. godine u Banjoj Luci. U rodnom gradu završio je osnovnu školu, a potom i gimnaziju. Jugoslavenske književnosti i maternji jezik studirao je i završio na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu, a postdiplomski studij pohađao je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu gdje je i magistrirao, a potom odbranio i doktorsku disertaciju pod naslovom „Književnoteorijsko određenje muslimanske narodne balade“. Tokom svog plodnog naučnoistraživačkog rada napisao je brojne studije, monografije, oglede, prikaze, preglede, crtice, potom priredio značajne antologije te uredio važne knjige, časopise, zbornike i spomenice. Munib Maglajlić potpisuje petu svesku “Bibliografije radova o narodnoj književnosti” u izdanju Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, a napisao je i objavio pet zasebnih knjiga koje sažimaju njegovo naučnoistraživačko i akademsko iskustvo. Profesor Maglajlić bio je, nadasve, angažirani član akademske zajednice sve do posljednjih dana života.
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