Sevdalinka is a form of traditional urban singing that is practised in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It originated as the result of a long process of acculturation that occurred when the traditional oral poetry of the South-Slavic population merged with the musical influences of the Ottoman Empire. Performed a capella or with the accompaniment of traditional instruments, the main function of sevdalinka is to tell a story. It is practised by professional and amateur performers of all genders and backgrounds and is a key part of stage folklore. Because of its storytelling function, sevdalinka is proving continually relevant for different communities as a part of their identity expression. It is often transmitted within families, with younger members learning through imitation, then adding individual variations over time. The practice is also transmitted through music academies, individual lessons, workshops and the public education system. An important form of cultural expression, sevdalinka provides a sense of connection and belonging to the same community. It is an important cohesive factor that is accepted, appreciated and promoted by people of all ethnic groups, genders and identities.