Safet Kafedžić

This outstanding artist has been engaged in poetry since his youth.
Numerous listeners impatiently awaited his humorous interludes, which he performed in the radio programme “Veselo veče” on Radio Sarajevo.
Kafedžić’s folkloric dramas were performed on the boards of the Sarajevo Volkstheater from 1943. He wrote the famous monodrama “Po suncu ti meni hodio”, as well as “Džaferbegov jemin” and “Čaršijska posla” for the amateur artists association “Gajret”. In addition to his fame as a drama writer, he is famous in Bosnian society as a great connoisseur of Sevdah, who has dedicated his entire life to the preservation and protection of the autochthonous Bosnian-Herzegovinian song Sevdalinka, as well as to the artistic affirmation of this kind of music.
He wrote and composed more than 300 Sevdalinka, which had animated Zaim Imamović, Safet Isović, Nedžad Salković, Ismet Alajbegović, Jovica Petković, Zekerijah Đezić, Nada Mamula, Hanka Paldum, Jozo Penava, Beba Selimović, Husein Kurtagić, Muhamed Mujkanović, Zora Dubljević, Meho Puzić and many others with their voice.

Safet Kafedžić left behind a poetic treasure of inestimable value, Sevdalinka, who speak about longing and the desire for love and who represent the expression of Bosnian-Herzegovinian spirit about which Hermann Ritter said: “Go where you want to go: Wherever you meet people, everywhere their music will open up their most intimate being”.
