Božo Vrećo, born at 18. October 1983 in Foča / Bosnia and Herzegovina) is an interpreter, author and composer of Sevdalinka, a traditional Bosnian-Herzegovinian song, which emerged as an expression of sad and unrequited love, melancholy, longing and pain. Sevdalinka has been transferred for centuries, first orally, later in writing form.
Božo belongs to the new generation of artists and was the first artist who, after fifty years, wrote newly created Sevdalika songs.
Božo Vrećo spent his childhood in Foča.
The great influence on his love for Sevdalinka comes from his mother, who has always listened to radio stations with traditional Bosnian music including Sevdalinka.
He considers his mother to be his Muse and dedicates her all of his work and inspiration.
After graduating at the University of Belgrade with master’s degree in the field of Archaeology, he moves to Sarajevo. In Sarajevo or Sevdah-Makkah as many call it, he succeeds in his experimental approach to the Sevdalinka singing. He manages to attract so much attention with his a cappella singing that famous New York Times describes Božo as someone with an angelic voice.
In the year 2013, he founded “Halka” band, together with Dino Šukalo, Edvin Hadžić, Adis Sirbubalo and Anes Beglerbegović. The corporation between the mentioned artists resulted in two successful albums, “Halka” and “O Ljubavi”. Besides that, during the period of three and a half years, they together performed on many concerts in the region and Europe.
In the year 2014, Božo Vrećo started focusing on his solo career motivated by his love of presenting his own songs and compositions to the audience.
In that way, he manages to present his authentic and distinctive style both vocally and visually. Just like Sevdalinka, Božo identifies himself as gender-neutral and glorifies duality as a symbol that, with his special voice, is always in the focus.
The third album, “Moj sevdah”, is entirely sung in a cappella version. This album contains his first songs “Lejlija” and “Znaš li da se svakog dana molim” which are representing the renaissance of Sevdah in every aspect. It was great inspiration and encouragement for him to work harder and to publish his fourth album, made of his own songs, called “Pandora”. “Pandora” was unprecedented successes across Europe and the world.
After “Pandora”, Božo starts to work with eminent musicians and together they create real masterpieces.
In the year 2016, Božo publishes a book entitled “Mila” dedicated to his mother, an autobiographical lyric novel, written in the form of a diary and sold out in three re-releases.
His fifth album “Melek” produced in collaboration with Croatia Records, was released in July 2018.
His music is part of many documentary films, ballet and theatrical performances.
For the new film of Lordan Zafranović, one of the most important Yugoslavian directors, he will take over the complete film music.
In addition to music and writing, he paints and is also involved in fashion designing.
He lives and works in Sarajevo.