Professor Maglajlić was born on 24 March 1945 in Banja Luka. In his hometown, he finished primary school and then grammar school. He studied Yugoslavian literature and mother tongue at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, where he also graduated. He completed his post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, where he obtained his master’s degree and then defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Literary-theoretical determination of the Muslim folk ballad”. During his fruitful scientific research, he wrote numerous studies, monographs, essays, descriptions, summaries, notes, edited important anthologies and published important books, magazines, anthologies and memoranda. Munib Maglajlić signs the fifth issue of “Bibliography of Works of Folk Literature” published by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia-Herzegovina. He wrote and published five separate books summarizing his scientific and academic research. Professor Maglajlić was a very committed member of the academic community throughout his life.
Maglajlić’s academic and research career begins with working at the Institute for Research on Yugoslavian Literature in Sarajevo, where he was employed in 1970. His first noteworthy texts refer to early reviews of the Sevdalinka. First of all the oral poetry, then the transitional forms and the epic, as well as further perspectives of the oral poetry will use Maglajlić in this order of enthusiasm. During his scientific research work at the Institute, the elaborated undertaking of the bibliography mentioned above occupies a special place. Munib’s engagement at the University began in 1992 at the Department of Literature of the People of Bosnia-Herzegovina at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, where he worked with students. As a professor of the Chair of Oral Literature, he was the mentor of several masters and doctoral theses exploring the key issues related to the canonization of our oral literature. In five dissertations, which he supervised, the Bosniak oral traditions were scientifically evaluated; also the epic from Krajina and its heroes; novellistic and jocular prose of the Bosniaks; the epic of the famous singer, poet and narrator Avdo Međedović, as well as the Bosniak oral poetry.
Prof. Dr. Munib Maglajlić died as a result of a heart attack on 19.10.2015 in Sarajevo.
- Od zbilje do pjesme (ogledi o usmenom pjesništvu), “Glas”, Banja Luka, 1983.
- Muslimanska usmena balada, “Veselin Masleša”, Sarajevo, 1985.
- Usmeno pjesništvo od stvaralaca do sakupljača, “Univerzal”, Tuzla, 1989.
- Usmena lirska pjesma, balada i romansa, Institut za književnost – Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1991.
- Usmena balada Bošnjaka, BZK “Preporod”, Sarajevo, 1995.