Božo Vrećo in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels: We hope that the Sevdalinka will be protected by UNESCO as soon as possible

Preparations for the nomination of Sevdalinka for the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage
6. February 2019
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6. May 2019

Božo Vrećo in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels: We hope that the Sevdalinka will be protected by UNESCO as soon as possible

The Bosnian-Herzegovinian Sevdalinka artist Božo Vrećo will give a concert on 24 February in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels (The National Basilica of the Sacred Heart), according to

This concert is one of the projects through which the non-profit cultural-artistic association Gratiartis tries to present the Sevdalinka in the capital of Europe in the best light, to include it in UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural assets.

Božo Vrećo in conversation with emphasized how honored he was with the possibility of performing in such a grandiose and wonderful ambience.

“We are courageously and strongly reaching forward so that Sevdalinka, as part of our intangible treasure which we are proud of, will be included under the protection of UNESCO as soon as possible,” Božo said for

The basilica is very rarely made available for the use of such projects. All European parliamentarians, commissioners and diplomats living in Brussels are invited to the concert.

The repertoire consists of songs from Božo’s fourth album “Pandora”.

Since Božo has already had two sold-out performances in renowned Brussels concert halls, it is undisputed that the Belgian audience, which has shown great interest in the Sevdalinka, is eagerly awaiting this magical night.

In the second half of this year, the Gratiartis publishing house plans to organise a concert by Božo Vrećo at the European Parliament in Brussels and then to prepare a concert at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

(, 18.01.2017)
